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Become a MEMBER (view plans below) and join our exclusive community of event professionals with the ORIGINAL and most trusted - longest running national association in the industry. Thousands, like you, in your same industry are already members. Join and receive exclusive benefits and a link to our INSURANCE provider with the BEST prices and customer service.
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Benefits you'll get when Joining
INSURANCE* for your business - Get a quote for Liability coverage and more!
DISCOUNTS on products and software from top vendors in the industry
LEARN valuable information to help your business run more productively
ADVICE and general business operational information to help your business GROW
FINANCIAL information shared by successful business owners in the industry
OPTIMIZE your website with critical tips and information (SEO)
GROW your customer base and collaborate with other NAMEpros members
MONTHLY Newsletters and information
BUILD your business with the information NAMEpros provides
ADVISORY board members of pros in the industry consulting NAMEpros
LIVE customer service support staff. Yes, a real human! (M-F)
Most POPULAR and OFFICIAL industry association since 1995
*Insurance is NOT included in any membership plan.
Choose your pricing plan
SAVE with Multi-Year Memberships
149$Every yearIncludes All benefits to NAME Pros- 1 year Annual Membership
- Valuable Benefits to help your business succeed
265$Every 2 yearsOnly $132.50/per year SAVE $33 (11% off)- 2 Year membership
- SAVE with a 2 year membership!
- BEST Value
375$Every 3 yearsOnly $125/per year SAVE $72 (16% off)- 3 year Membership
- SAVE THE MOST with a 3 year membership!